Avalanche x Alipay Web3 Program Grants Bubble Tea Bargains


avalanche alipay voucher program
Source: Avalanche

Tech Underpinnings for Promotional Perks

Powered by an Avalanche Subnet managed by AvaCloud, this program launches a web3 exploration for Alipay+ D-store, alongside other brands, to enhance company interaction and boost revenue.

Avalanche Subnets offer flexibility, customization, transparency, and blockchain capabilities. Meanwhile, Alipay+ D-store’s voucher program fosters collaboration with brands using digital collectibles and blockchain features.

AvaCloud streamlines the entire launch process, leveraging industry-leading web3 capabilities at minimal costs.

With an eye on expansion, this blockchain-based marketing initiative aims to pour its benefits into more than 200 establishments.

Though, its ultimate goal is to attract over 100 million visitors from China exploring the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

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