Google Drops its Controversial Advertising Ban on NFT Games


In a massive turn of events, internet juggernaut, Google, has softened its approach it comes to advertisements that promote NFT gaming. Going forwards, the almighty web overlord will allow developers to deploy ads for their Web3 games as long as they don’t feature gambling elements.

In its recent announcement, Google has revealed that from September 15, it will lift its ban on serving NFT gaming ads within its suite of internet products. This comes with the caveat that the move relates primarily to “NFT games that allow players to purchase in-game items, like virtual apparel for a player’s characters, weaponry, or armor.”

The updated terms go on to stipulate that “games where players can wager or stake NFTs in exchange for the opportunity to win anything of real-world value” will remain forbidden. Meaning that the Google empire is keen on advancing the capability of NFT gaming, while protecting consumers from platforms that could have a detrimental effect on their financial wellbeing.

Google Takes a Softer Approach as the Blockchain Continues to Evolve

Google initially took a tough stance on cryptocurrency advertising back in 2018 due to the uncertain nature of the industry. This then softened a little later down the line in 2021 when it began permitting registered exchanges to promote their products on the platform.

Now, as NFT gaming continues to evolve at a terrific pace, the company has acknowledged that NFT gaming can enhance user experiences without exposing them to undue harm. Effectively demonstrating this by welcoming games that fulfil its criteria to promote their products through the Google infrastructure.

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